Sunday, 31 January 2016

School celebrates the feast of Don Bosco

Don Bosco High School,
Matunga, Mumbai
31 January, 2015

The school premises wore a festive look on the penultimate day of the month of January since it was the feast of our father, founder and patron saint DON BOSCO. Though the feast falls on the 31st of January, this year being a Sunday, the joyous celebrations were held on 30th January. The statue of Don Bosco in the lobby was beautifully decorated, and a serene and blissful presence of the beloved saint permeated the campus. The day began with a meaningful and joyful celebration of the Holy mass for the Catholic students and staff of the school. At the morning assembly, the students received a wonderful message on Don Bosco for their inspiration and growth. The festivities continued through the day with snacks and refreshments for staff and students.

Happy feast of St. John Bosco to all. May he continue to guide, inspire and lead all, especially the young!