Don Bosco High School
Matunga, Mumbai
24th February, 2016
Ms Kashmira Rodrigues
Std. IV observed Food Day to co-relate the
same with the topic learnt in science The teachers along with the students
suitably decorated the classrooms with charts, pictures and quotes.
Through discussion the teachers highlighted that the right foundation to good
health is to choose food products that are rich in nutrients and have a
balanced amount of vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and a little bit
of fats as well. The students comprehended that if you choose your food wisely,
you will be able to enjoy the experience of eating, as the right foods will
help you remain healthy. The students viewed a power point presentation and
were also briefed on the importance of table manners and healthy food habits.
The students solved work-sheets which consisted of puzzles and colouring
activities. They shared their healthy lip smacking snacks and lunch with their
peers in class.