Monday, 8 February 2016

The sublime ‘Sound Of Music’ pervades Don Bosco, Matunga at The Annual Thanksgiving 2015-16

Don Bosco High School,
Matunga, Mumbai
February 8, 2015
- Ms Ashwini Gupte

 ‘Celebrate the Young’ we did, as Don Bosco High School, Matunga, delighted in bringing to the stage the timeless and enchanting musical that made us fall in love with the lovable novice, Maria and the charming Von Trapp children. February 6 and 7 witnessed the Annual Thanksgiving, as we humbly acknowledged our immense debt of gratitude for the innumerable blessings we received throughout the academic year.
As due thanks, we witnessed the Annual Report that gave our audience a bird’s eye view of significant developments, the prize distribution felicitated our young achievers, a special felicitation of our silver jubilarians and retiring staff conveyed our gratitude for their dedication and services.
The Secretary of the Archdiocesan Board Of Education, Rev. Fr. George Athaide graced the occasion as our chief guest. On behalf of Rev. Fr. Bento D’Souza, Rev. Fr. Roy Noronha graciously accepted the proceeds of our care and share Christmas Panorama, towards the cause of empowering people in the Marathwada region.
The musical, the highlight of the evenings, went a long way towards exhibiting the talent of our youngsters, a testimony to our constant efforts to encourage and hone talent in both academics as well as co curricular activities, to polish to a fine brilliance all our young diamonds in the rough, as per the guiding principles of our Father and Founder, St. John Bosco.