Sunday, 28 February 2016

Scouts, NCC, RSP and Cubs Day

Don Bosco High School,
Matunga Mumbai
 26 February, 2016

 Don Bosco, Matunga’s N.C.C., R.S.P., Scout and Cub troops led the way as they urged us to follow their example in developing team spirit and the spirit of adventure, while selflessly serving the nation. Their annual day on February 26 exhibited what the boys in uniform are all about.
The N.C.C. cadets displayed ship and gun models, informative charts on the Indian Navy, flags indicating ship to ship communication symbols. They also gave us valuable information on the N.C.C. as a door opener to the armed forces.
The R.S.P. boys explained the different signs and symbols used to control road traffic and demonstrated the use of the same through a model wherein they showcased traffic scenarios.
The Scouts displayed a makeshift watchtower and bridge, besides initiating us into the origin and accomplishments of the scouting movement.
The Scouts’ younger brothers, the Cubs, displayed charts and demonstrated the different knots with information about the same in all the classes of standard V, VI and VII.
The fascinating array on display was an apt testament to their respective mottoes- “Unity and Discipline”, “We Live To Serve” and “Be Prepared”.