Tuesday, 29 September 2015

English Elocution

English Elocution Std III-IV
Ms Kashmira Rodrigues

Don Bosco High School
Matunga, Mumbai
28 September, 2015

Each and every student of Std III and IV participated in an Intra Class English Elocution Competition and the three best students from each class then represented their respective classes in an Inter Class English Elocution Competition which was held in the Conference Hall in the Secondary Building. Twelve students of each standard participated in the final round who were judged by Mrs. Janet D’Cruz, Mrs. Kanta Shinde and Ms. Lynette D’Lima .The criteria for selection being choice of poem ,expression, diction and memory The judges were very encouraging and kept the students spirits high. The winners will be awarded with certificates.

Congrats!!!!! To all the Winners.