Saturday, 19 September 2015

Provincial visitation

Fr. Provincial gives his message at the Class Assembly IX C – Who will you make peace with?

-          Mrs. Ashwini Gupte

Don Bosco High School,
Matunga, Mumbai,
16th September 2015

A red-letter day at Don Bosco High School saw the Provincial, Rev. Fr. Godfrey D’Souza, with his cheerful smile at the class assembly, on his annual visitation to the school. The Principal, Rev. Fr. Bernard Fernandes conveyed the day’s outstanding news, that of the Hindustan Times having ranked Don Bosco, Matunga among the top 10 schools in the Mumbai East Zone.

Rev. Fr. Bernard introduced the Provincial as a kind-hearted yet firm erudite gentleman, tech-savvy yet one who enjoyed the simple pleasures of life such as music and song.
The International Day of peace being around the corner, on Sept. 21, the class depicted the real-life story of Sadako Sasaki and the thousand paper cranes, that of a young Japanese girl who survived the bombing of Hiroshima and though cancer-afflicted as a result, became a symbol ofpeace and forgiveness. The backdrop displayed the image of the imposing statue in the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park, with the plaque that reads:"This is our cry. This is our prayer. Peace in the world."

Rev. Fr. Godfrey addressed the students with the message that peace begins with each of us. Through the story of Abraham Lincoln, Fr. Godfrey illustrated how we can ‘destroy’ our enemy by winning him over with love.

Immediately after the assembly, Fr. Godfrey proceeded to the Primary section to witness an outstanding cultural day program by the students of Std. III C with the help of their class teachers and music master.  Fr. Provincial concluded the visitation of the school, meeting the non-clerical school staff, and then the entire staff later in the afternoon.