An experience of the
neighbourhood – Field trip: Sr. Kg.
-Ms. Larissa Carvalho
Dominic Savio Kindergarten
28th July 2015
The Sr. Kg. boys were taken for a road trip in
the school bus around the neighbourhood. It was a rainy day and the boys were
all excited as it was their 1st field trip this year.
Prayers were said in the
class. Children sang songs and rhymes in the bus. They were asked to
differentiate clean and dirty roads and causes of dirty roads. They saw the
Monorail pass by Wadala bridge all the way to I-Max theatre then to Bhakti
park, to Wadala truck terminus road towards S S Nagar and back to King Circle
from Five gardens and then back to school.
Children saw traffic on
the road and teacher explained the necessity of using public transport.
Children saw different vehicles like trains, BEST buses, cars, taxis, trucks
and were able to identify them. They saw big bridges and flyovers, huge
skyscrapers and buildings under construction. Children got a chance to share
their knowledge with their friends.
When they were back in
school they had their snacks and were asked to draw all that they saw on the
road trip. It was indeed fascinating.