Tuesday, 14 July 2015

Class Assembly VII E- St. John Bosco, Patron Saint of the Youth

Class Assembly VII E- St. John Bosco, Patron Saint of the Youth
-Ms Ashwini Gupte

Don Bosco High School,
Matunga, Mumbai.
14 July 2015 

This assembly, the first of the year for classes V, VI and VII made an attempt to portray the lifelong mission of Don Bosco. We saw how the lives of the youngsters who entrusted themselves to his care were turned around, how former rowdy street fighters changed into devout and responsible young men.
Class VII E depicted how Don Bosco encouraged the youths to come to him and ‘run, shout, jump,' so long as they did not sin, as he was of the firm belief that moral order and religion meant true education.
The assembly laid emphasis on the pillars of Don Bosco’s system of education- Reason, Religion and Loving Kindness, timeless precepts that all Don Bosco institutions abide by, to this day.